Marayani Farmers and Growers


Our VISION is to “become a farmers’ cooperative that promotes and practices overall sustainability boosting farmers’ productivity through innovation, technology, and sustainable farming.”


Our MISSION is to assist our member farmers in every way possible by:

  1. Securing contracts and orders for the members/farmers;
  2. Supporting the farmers in ways possible for them to deliver their contracts (i.e. financial aids, trainings, machineries, seedlings, fertilizers, etc);
  3. Setting up a scholarship fund for the qualified children of the members/farmers that would be taking agriculture-related degree programs;
  4. Securing a group crop insurance to protect farmers from adverse impacts of calamities; and
  5. Establishing a retirement program for members/farmers as a support after their retirement years

Marayani Farmers Corporation/Cooperative

“Maray ang ani sa sustainable farming”

Marayani Farmers Corporation is a cooperative composed of all the farmers cultivating the farms that are part of the Las Granjas Country Estates Ecotourism Network, a legacy project of Grupo W that focuses on promoting and practicing sustainable farming and eco-tourism. The members of the project are committed to make sure that each and every one of the farmers will be part of the cooperative. In this way, the individual farmers of the cooperative are ensured that all of them will be able to reap their full potential as farmers but also receive the full benefits of their labor.

Marayani as a cooperative stands to represent the collective interest of the individual member farmers. There is strength in numbers – good thing there is a group that bonds the farmers together in achieving what is truly best for them. Through this cooperative, opportunities are opened to make the lives of the farmers better as they can secure grants, training, and various support from the government and other funding organizations.

Marayani is committed to making the lives of the members exponentially better given that the prices and push for innovation, technology, and machinery increases in these times, it would always be harder to survive individually.

Truly, landowners and farmers should be rooted in sustainability. What’s better than a year of bountiful harvests? A whole lot more years of that. Marayani is present to turn that into a reality.